Question by untitled: Can I put up Google AdSense ads on a website made using phpBB?
I am thinking of making a website using phpBB… I’m moving from a Blogspot website ya see? So, because I’m new to the world of phpBB, can I put up Google AdSense ads on a website made with phpBB? And if so, how can I do it?
Best answer:
Answer by jimM
Note that what I describe here is for older versions of phpbb. Newer ones may have mods where you can manage adsense quite easily so you may want to look for that first.
If it is your website then sure you can. Just install the template you want to use for your forums, then edit the correct file and add your adsense code. Be sure you added the site to your adsense account.
It’s not always easy to figure out which file to edit since you have to dig through the template files to get to the one you need to update. If your not good with html/php then find someone who is and have them set it up. You will need a little trial and error to do it. Be sure you backup all your phpbb files before you make any changes.
I’ve been running adsense on my phpbb forums for a long time. However, ads generally don’t convert that well in forums. But, if you have traffic you should get clicks.
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