Email continues to be one of the most effective online marketing tactics but many companies struggle to establish benchmarks or successfully improve performance. How many people are receiving, reading and acting on email messages? Those are all key questions to improve email marketing performance.
Email open rates can vary depending on the target industry and enad even the job function of the prospects. Testing to improve email marketing performance is essential, but determining which variables have the largest impact on the overall effectiveness of an email campaign can seem overwhelming.
However, a process driven approach to identifying success factors that lead to increased conversions will set your company up for success both short term, and long term.
One way of improving your email marketing process involves testing: A/B or multivariate testing, to assess which tactics lead to the desired outcomes such as click throughs and conversions.
What is A/B & Multivariate Testing?
Put simply, A/B testing involves sending out different versions of any email campaign to segments of your existing customer or subscriber list. Typically A/B testing includes changing only one element at a time, whereas multivariate testing includes multiple elements. There are many variables to consider when running an email test so it is best to pick a maximum 3-4 items to test for each campaign. If you are unsure about which variables to test please reference the list below for guidance.
What Can Be Tested?
As mentioned you don’t want to get carried away with testing too many variables at once. Below I have included some of the tactics that your team may want to consider when running a A/B or multivarite email test.
- Time of Day
- Day of Week
- Subject Lines
- Body Copy
- Layout
- Calls to Action
- Design (including images)
- Personalization
- Offer
Sample Email Test
Who Should A/B Email Test Be Sent To?
If you search online or talk to marketing experts you may receive a variety of answers. Depending on your list size you will want to send out A/B tests to a large enough segment to collect enough data to make an informed decision. I would recommend splitting your list into three parts:
- Recipients of test A – ¼ of your list
- Recipients of test B- ¼ of your list
- Recipients of the “winning” email – ½ of your list
What Should Be Tracked?
- Open Rate
- Click Through Rate
- UnSubscribe Rate
A Best Practice Approach For Running A/B & Multivariate Tests for Email Marketing
Data Doesn’t Lie: Base your course of action on proven numbers, not which email you BELIEVE will perform better.
Use Tools: Services such as MailChimp provide a tool for running A/B tests.
Test Often: The way that your audience reacts to information will evolve, make sure that your process evolves as well.
While we talk a lot about search optimization, social media and content marketing here at Online Marketing Blog, make no mistake: Email Marketing is a powerful communication and conversion tool. It integrates well with other online marketing efforts to both attract and retain customers. Remember ABO: Always Be Optimizing. It applies to email marketing performance just as much as pay per click or SEO.
I’m curious to know what tests your company may have run in the past. What were your results? How did these results shape your process going forward?
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Convert More Customers: Tips & Tricks For Running A/B Tests On Your Email Campaigns |