When selecting a date range for your reports, you’ll now have an ‘All time’ option to view all earnings, impressions, and clicks accrued since your first impression. If you used the previous AdSense interface, you may remember this feature — it now has a new home in the current AdSense interface as well.
2. Quickly access reports from the My ads tab
We’ve added quick links to your reports under the My ads tab, eliminating the need to search for ad units or channels in your reports. When viewing your ad units, custom channels, or URL channels on the My ads tab, just click ‘View report’ below a specific line item to view performance data for that particular ad unit or channel. This feature is particularly useful if you’re looking for channel data that isn’t linked to ad units in the interface, and will help you save time.
3. Download CSVs in the correct local formatting
Just as the placement of commas and periods can change the meaning of sentences, the same is true when it comes to numbers and figures. As you may know, an amount written as $ 1,000.00 in the US or UK would be written as $ 1.000,00 in most of Europe and South America. Previously, only the $ 1,000.00 format was available for downloadable reports, which created difficulties for a number of international publishers trying to export CSVs to analyze the data. Now, based on your language preference, you can export CSVs with figures in the relevant format.
Have any feedback or suggestions to share? Feel free to leave a comment or post them on our AdSense +Page.
Posted by Arlene Lee – Inside AdSense Team