Webmaster level: Beginner Cross-posted on the Google Grants Blog In our previous post, we did some source code housekeeping — just in time for the holidays. But once users have landed on your site, how can you make sure they’ll know how to get around? As it turns out, easily accessible content on your site...Read More
As web designers we can only do so much for you the client. You can have the best website in the world, but if your customer service stinks users won’t come back. I went to meet with a new client yesterday and was blown away by their commitment to customer service. Not only had they...Read More
You can indeed make money through affiliate marketing without a website. Methods that do not require a website are email marketing, paid search, and even offline marketing (print, radio, TV, etc). However, there’s something every paid search marketer must know prior to launching a PPC affiliate marketing campaign without a website. On February 26, 2010...Read More