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Growing Your YouTube Channel | Part 5 Mastering the Art of YouTube Video Production

Part 5 : How To Grow YouTube Channel

Maximizing Your Reach: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically

Unlock the secret to creating engaging and high-performing videos for YouTube with our expert-approved best practices for video production. Maximize your views and grow your audience today!

In order to be successful on YouTube is not just about uploading videos. It takes time and a lot of effort and dedication to create a successful YouTube channel. It is about creating content that your viewers and subscribers want to watch, not what you think they want to watch!

In the previous 4 episodes, you have learnt what it takes to create great videos. In this last chapter, we will talk about the tips on how to grow your YouTube channel and make sure that is engaging and entertaining.

It’s all about strategy!

Bellow I will discuss the follow to help you create and run a successful YouTube channel:

  • Tips for Creating Engaging Content
  • Strategies for Maximizing YouTube Views and Subscribers
  • Techniques for Video SEO and Optimizing Videos for Search and Discoverability
Tips for Creating Engaging Content on YouTube | Part 5 Mastering the Art of YouTube Video Production

Tips for Creating Engaging Content

Maximize engagement: Proven tips for creating captivating content that drives results

Creating engaging content for YouTube is an important aspect of building and growing your channel, as it helps to attract and retain viewers, and build a loyal and engaged audience. Here are some tips for creating engaging content for YouTube:

Know your audience: To create engaging content , you need to understand who your audience is and what they are interested in. You will need to research your target audience, analyse your channel data and viewer feedback, and identify common themes or topics that resonate with your audience.

Find your niche: To stand out on YouTube, find a niche or topic that you are passionate about and that is not overly saturated. Identify an underrepresented topic or angle, or find a unique way to present a common topic.

Be authentic: To create engaging content, your have to be authentic and genuine in your videos. This means being true to yourself, your values, and your personality, and avoiding trying to be someone you are not.

Engage with your audience: To create a loyal and engaged audience on YouTube, you must engage with your viewers and build a community around your channel. Respond to comments, asking for feedback, and collaborating with other creators.

Create a consistent schedule: To keep your audience engaged and coming back for more, it’s about creating a consistent schedule for your videos. Posting new videos on a regular basis, such as weekly or biweekly, or announcing a set schedule in advance.

Experiment with different formats: To keep your content fresh and engaging, experiment with different formats and styles of videos. Try out different types of videos, such as vlogs, how-to’s, interviews, using different formats or techniques, such as animation or storytelling, short form video as well as long form content.

Use high-quality visuals: Engaging content is created through the use of high-quality visuals, including video, audio, and graphics. This means using good lighting, clear audio, and visually appealing graphics, and avoiding low-quality or distracting visuals. Check out Part 4 : “Post-Production: The Secret to Crafting Professional Videos for YouTube and Other Platforms“ to get some ideas.

Edit your videos: To create a polished and professional-looking video, edit your videos and remove any unnecessary or distracting elements. Trim or cut out unnecessary footage, adding transitions or effects, or using colour grading to enhance the overall look of your video. Take a look at Part 4 : Video Editing : Tips and Techniques for a Professional YouTube Video.

Optimize your titles, thumbnails, and descriptions: To attract and retain viewers on YouTube, it’s vital to optimize your titles, thumbnails, and descriptions to make your videos more discoverable and appealing. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions, as well as creating eye-catching and relevant thumbnails. You only have a few seconds to grab the viewers’ attention, so your custom thumbnail needs a lot of thought in order to create that “click me” image.

Creating engaging content for YouTube requires a combination of understanding your audience, finding your niche, being authentic, engaging with your audience, and using high-quality visuals and effective optimization techniques. By following these tips, you can create engaging and compelling content that attracts and retains viewers and helps to build a loyal and engaged audience on YouTube.

How To Create Engaging Video Content FAQs

What makes a video engaging on YouTube?

What makes a video engaging on YouTube? Engaging videos on YouTube typically have a clear and interesting concept, good storytelling, and high-quality visuals and audio. They also often include a call to action, such as asking viewers to subscribe or leave a comment.

How do I come up with ideas for my YouTube videos?

How do I come up with ideas for my YouTube videos? Ideas for YouTube videos can come from many different sources, such as personal experiences, current events, or popular trends. It can also be helpful to research what types of videos are popular in your niche or industry.

How can I make my video stand out on YouTube?

How can I make my video stand out on YouTube? To make your video stand out on YouTube, you should focus on creating high-quality and unique content that resonates with your target audience. You should also optimize your video for SEO and promote it on social media and other platforms.

How do I create a strong video narrative?

How do I create a strong video narrative? Creating a strong video narrative involves developing a clear and interesting concept, planning out the structure of your video, and using storytelling techniques such as pacing and character development.

How do I shoot high-quality video for YouTube?

How do I shoot high-quality video for YouTube? Shooting high-quality video for YouTube involves using good equipment such as a high-resolution camera and a professional microphone, as well as paying attention to lighting, composition, and movement.

How do I edit my video to make it more engaging?

How do I edit my video to make it more engaging? Editing your video to make it more engaging can involve cutting out unnecessary footage, adding music, sound effects, and visual effects, and colour grading to enhance the overall look of the video.

How do I promote my video on YouTube?

How do I promote my video on YouTube? Promoting your video on YouTube can involve optimizing your video for SEO, using relevant keywords and tags, creating a compelling title and description, and promoting the video on other platforms such as social media.

Strategies For Maximising YouTube Views and Subscribers | Part 5 Mastering the Art of YouTube Video Production

Strategies for Maximizing YouTube Views and Subscribers

Explode your views and subscribers: Proven Tips for maximizing success on YouTube

Maximizing views and subscribers on YouTube requires a combination of creating engaging and high-quality content, optimizing your videos for discoverability, and promoting your channel and videos to your target audience. Here are some strategies for maximizing views and subscribers on YouTube:

The first 3 tips are the same as for creating engaging content.

Create engaging and high-quality content: To maximize views and subscribers, you have to create engaging and high-quality content that appeals to your target audience and meets their needs and interests. Create a variety of video formats, such as vlogs, how-to’s, or interviews, or focus on a specific niche or topic. Before you press the record button it is all about research, research and more research! Find out what your audience wants to watch.

Optimize your titles, tags, and descriptions: In order to make your videos more discoverable on YouTube, it’s important to optimize your titles, tags, and descriptions using relevant and popular keywords. This will help your videos to rank higher in search results and be more visible to your target audience.

Use eye-catching and relevant thumbnails: Thumbnails are a crucial element of your YouTube videos, as they help to attract and retain viewers. To maximize views and subscribers, it’s important to use eye-catching and relevant thumbnails that accurately represent the content of your video and appeal to your target audience. Just make sure you do not create click bait images that have no relevancy to the actual video content.

Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other creators can help to expose your channel and videos to a new audience. It can also help to build relationships and networks within the YouTube community. To maximize views and subscribers, you should seek out and collaborate with creators who share similar values, interests, and goals.

Promote your channel and videos: To get the most views and subscribers, you have to promote your channel and videos to your target audience. By using social media, email marketing, or other promotional strategies you can reach out to potential viewers and subscribers. This partly comes down to research and finding out where your target audience hang out online.

Analyse and optimize your performance: You have to analyse your data and YouTube Analytics provides all the data you need to optimise and improve your performance. You can use YouTube Analytics to track your performance and identify areas for improvement, and making changes to your content and promotion strategies accordingly.

Maximizing views and subscribers on YouTube requires a combination of creating engaging and high-quality content, optimizing your videos for discoverability, and promoting your channel and videos to your target audience. By following these strategies and tips, you can increase the visibility and success of your channel and build a loyal and engaged audience on YouTube.

How to Maximise YouTube Views and Subscribers FAQs

How can I increase my YouTube views?

How can I increase my YouTube views? There are several ways to increase views on YouTube, such as creating engaging and high-quality content, optimizing your video for SEO, promoting your video on social media, and collaborating with other YouTubers.

How can I increase my YouTube subscribers?

How can I increase my YouTube subscribers? Increasing YouTube subscribers can be done by creating engaging and high-quality content, promoting your channel on other platforms, and encouraging viewers to subscribe to your channel at the end of your videos.

What are some strategies for increasing YouTube views and subscribers?

What are some strategies for increasing YouTube views and subscribers? Some strategies for increasing YouTube views and subscribers include creating a consistent upload schedule, optimizing your video’s title, description, and tags for SEO, collaborating with other YouTubers, and leveraging social media to promote your videos.

How can I improve my video's SEO for YouTube?

How can I improve my video’s SEO for YouTube? Improving your video’s SEO for YouTube can be done by using relevant keywords and tags, creating a compelling title and description, and including a transcript of your video.

How can I create a consistent upload schedule on YouTube?

How can I create a consistent upload schedule on YouTube? Creating a consistent upload schedule on YouTube can be done by planning out your content in advance and setting a schedule for when you will upload new videos. It’s also important to stick to the schedule as much as possible.

How can I collaborate with other YouTubers to increase views and subscribers?

How can I collaborate with other YouTubers to increase views and subscribers? Collaborating with other YouTubers can be done by reaching out to other content creators in your niche and working together on a video, cross promoting each other’s channels, or doing a video together.

How can I use social media to promote my YouTube videos?

How can I use social media to promote my YouTube videos? Promoting your YouTube videos on social media can be done by sharing your videos on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as creating social media posts that tease your upcoming videos and encourage followers to subscribe to your channel.

YouTube SEO | Part 5 Mastering the Art of YouTube Video Production

YouTube SEO

Techniques for Video SEO and Optimizing Videos for Search and Discoverability

Optimizing your videos for search and discoverability is an important aspect of building and growing your YouTube channel, as it helps to increase the visibility and reach of your videos and attract new viewers and subscribers. One key aspect of video SEO is optimizing your videos for specific keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for on YouTube and other search engines.

Here are some tips for optimizing your videos for search and discoverability:

Use relevant and popular keywords in your titles, tags, and descriptions: To optimize your videos for search, it’s important to use relevant and popular keywords in your titles, tags, and descriptions. This will help your videos to rank higher in search results and be more visible to your target audience. There are number of free and paid tools to help you do this.

FREE Keyword Research Tools
Google Keyword Planner
Google Search Console
Google Trends
Answer the Public
Keyword Generator
Keyword Surfer
Keyword Sheeter

PAID Keyword Research Tools
– Answer the Public
– Ubersuggest

Create eye-catching and relevant thumbnails: Thumbnails are a crucial way to help attract and retain viewers. To optimize your videos for discoverability, it’s essential to use eye-catching and relevant thumbnails that accurately represent the content of your video and appeal to your target audience.

Use closed captions and transcripts: Closed captions and transcripts can help make your videos more accessible and searchable, as they provide a written version of the audio and visual content of your video. This can be especially useful for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, or for viewers who are watching your videos in a noisy or public place.

Use annotations and end screens: Annotations and end screens are interactive elements that you can add to your videos to encourage viewers to engage with your content and take specific actions, such as subscribing to your channel or watching another video. By using annotations and end screens, you can increase the discoverability and engagement of your videos.

Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other creators can help to expose your channel and videos to a new audience, and can also help to build relationships and networks within the YouTube community. To optimize your videos for discoverability, it’s important to seek out and collaborate with creators who share similar values, interests, and goals.

Promote your videos: To optimize your videos for discoverability, it’s important to promote your videos to your target audience. Using social media, email marketing, or other promotional strategies to reach out to potential viewers and subscribers.

Optimizing your videos for search and discoverability requires a combination of using relevant and popular keywords, creating eye-catching and relevant thumbnails, using closed captions and transcripts, using annotations and end screens, collaborating with other creators, and promoting your videos to your target audience. By following these tips and techniques, you can increase the visibility and discoverability of your videos and attract new viewers and subscribers to your channel.

Final episode, click the following link : Part 6 : Conclusion : Unlock the Power of YouTube

Video SEO FAQs

What is video SEO?

What is video SEO? Video SEO is the process of optimizing a video to make it more easily discoverable by search engines and improve its visibility on platforms like YouTube and Google.

How does video SEO differ from regular SEO?

How does video SEO differ from regular SEO? While the principles of regular SEO and video SEO are similar, video SEO requires additional optimization techniques such as adding closed captions, creating transcripts, and optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags.

How can I optimize my video for SEO?

How can I optimize my video for SEO? Some ways to optimize your video for SEO include:

  • Using relevant keywords and tags in the title, description and tags
  • Creating a compelling and informative title and description
  • Adding closed captions or transcripts to your video
  • Creating a custom video thumbnail
  • Enhancing the overall video quality
  • Creating an interactive video

How do I increase the visibility of my video on YouTube?

How do I increase the visibility of my video on YouTube? Increasing the visibility of a video on YouTube can be done by optimizing the video for SEO, promoting the video on social media, encouraging viewers to like and share the video, and collaborating with other YouTubers.

How do I make sure my video is showing up in Google search?

How do I make sure my video is showing up in Google search? To make sure your video is showing up in Google search, you should upload your video to a video hosting platform like YouTube, optimize the video’s title and description for SEO, and make sure your video is embedded on a web page that is optimized for SEO.

How do I track the performance of my video?

How do I track the performance of my video? You can track the performance of your video by monitoring metrics such as views, likes, shares, comments, and retention rate on YouTube. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to track the traffic to your website where the video is embedded.

What are some best practices for video SEO?

What are some best practices for video SEO? Some best practices for video SEO include: creating high-quality and engaging content, optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags, adding closed captions and transcripts, creating a custom video thumbnail, and promoting the video on social media and other platforms.

Need Help With Your YouTube Video Production or Marketing Strategy?

Contact Blue Square Management today for a FREE consultation. Call us +44(0)1689 602248

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About the author

Blue Square Management are a web design and SEO Digital Marketing Agency based in Orpington and Bromley on the borders of South East London and Kent. We help businesses get more leads, increase sales and grow their businesses. Basically, Blue Square Management helps you get more phone calls and sell more products!We do by improving your search engine rankings and getting your found when people are looking for your products or services. We do this through online marketing, which includes SEO (Search Engine Optimisations), Local SEO, Web Design, PPC Management services, Online Reputation Management, Video Production Services, online Video Marketing and Social Media Marketing.Need help with your online marketing? Want more customers? Sell more products? Contact London & Kent's lead online digital marketing company, Blue Square Management to find out how we can help your business.