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Google Mobile
Google Mobile Website Index
Most Searches Are Now Mobile But Google Indexes Desktop This is the biggest news to come from Google for a while! Google recently announced that its ranking system will be shifted towards mobile rather than desktop. We have known for a while that mobile search has over taken desktop search, however, Google’s ranking system is...
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Mobile Friendly vs Non Mobile-Optimised
Google Launches Mobile-Friendly Update in May. Google recently let everyone now that it will be updating its Mobile-Friendly algorithm, which they launched in April 2015, in May 2016, according to their Webmasters Blog. That’s only a few days away! If Your Website is NOT Mobile Optimised You ARE in Trouble! At the beginning of May, Google...
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Google launch the Knowledge Graph for mobile and tablet devices. Check out this article by Junyoung Lee, Google Engineering Manager, to learn more. Have you ever had a question pop into your head at an unexpected time? Maybe when you’re talking with a friend over lunch, watching TV at home, or reading a magazine on the...
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