Blue Square Management are pleased to announce the publication of issue 28 of our free online digital marketing magazine iSquare : The Online Marketing Guide For Small Business.
In issue #28, we discuss:
Have you ever watched a commercial featuring a big celebrity and wished that you had access to the same resources that big companies do? You might not be able to get Tom Cruise to recommend your business, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t reap the benefits of influencer marketing. Here’s some tips on how to put influencer marketing to work for your business.
You can’t go anywhere these days without seeing people staring at their smart phones – and if they’re not on a mobile phone, they’re using a tablet. Mobile devices are everywhere. What does that mean for local marketers? Simply put, it’s time to stop ignoring mobile and make it a significant part of your marketing mix. Here are five proven strategies you can use to expand your mobile reach
You’re probably using Facebook to market your business already. And you should be – it’s the world’s largest social media site With numbers like that, you might think it’d be easy to reach your audience on Facebook…But the opposite is actually true. Does that mean you should give up? Absolutely not! What it does mean, though, is that you’ve got to know some tricks to help you maximize your Facebook reach so your content doesn’t end up getting lost in the shuffle.
If you’re still caught up in the thinking that YouTube is nothing more than a place to watch cat videos, then you’re missing out on a significant opportunity to increase your digital reach and engage your followers. We want you to put YouTube marketing to work for your business – and so we’ve come up with these 7 smart YouTube hacks to help you do it.
Do you want to discover a load more free ways on how to market and promote your business with digital marketing? Take a look at the previous issue of our free digital marketing magazine, iSquare.
Just click the button below where you will be taken to the sign up form. Add you name and email address and press submit. It’s that easy. Then just confirm your email address and you will be taken to a confirmation page where you can download Issue #1. Future issues will be sent automatically to your email in box. You not only get the free magazine but you will be kept up to date with all out latest news, advice and tips on digital marketing and how to promote and market your business online to get more customers or sell more products.
You can find previous issues of iSquare magazine here: