Blue Square Management are pleased to announce the publication of issue 36 of our free online digital marketing magazine iSquare : The Online Marketing Guide For Small Business.
In issue #36, we discuss:
When you create pay-per-click ads, you pay for every click you get. So, it stands to reason that you want to make every click count. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a marketing pro, there are some simple tricks you can learn to take your PPC ads to the next level.
Trying to stay on top of SEO trends is like trying to hit a moving target while on a speeding train. The landscape and perspective changes so quickly that it can feel impossible to keep up. But you need to try. The good news is that there are some new trends on Google that can help increase your visibility online — if you know how to use them.
Have you made any resolutions for your business? Here’s one suggestion: Master local marketing on Facebook. The chances are good that many of your customers use it daily— but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing a great job of connecting with them. With that in mind, here are eight things you can do starting right now to ring the new year in with a bang — and become a master of local Facebook marketing.
Your business needs publicity and there is no better marketing tool for your business than publicity… I.E. online exposure. It’s vital to the growth of your business. But if you have ever struggled to come up with ideas on how to promote your business theseexperttips will show you howtoturn your business’s news and events into publicity and attract more customers.
Do you want to discover a load more free ways on how to market and promote your business with digital marketing? Take a look at the previous issue of our free digital marketing magazine, iSquare.
Just click the button below where you will be taken to the sign up form. Add you name and email address and press submit. It’s that easy. Then just confirm your email address and you will be taken to a confirmation page where you can download Issue #1. Future issues will be sent automatically to your email in box. You not only get the free magazine but you will be kept up to date with all out latest news, advice and tips on digital marketing and how to promote and market your business online to get more customers or sell more products.
You can find previous issues of iSquare magazine here: